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Alfentanil is a potent, short-acting opioid analgesic that is useful in palliative care, particularly in scenarios where other opioids like morphine or diamorphine may not be suitable.

AspectDetails about Alfentanil
ClassificationShort-acting opioid anaesthetic and analgesic, derivative of fentanyl.
Mechanism of ActionPrimarily binds to the mu-opioid receptor, mimicking the actions of morphine. Induces anti-nociception by inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters like substance P, GABA, dopamine, acetylcholine, and noradrenaline. Also inhibits the release of vasopressin, somatostatin, insulin, and glucagon.
Clinical Use• Anesthetic during surgery.
• Supplemental analgesia during surgical procedures.
• Analgesic for critically ill patients.
EfficacyProduces an early peak analgesic effect and allows fast recovery of consciousness.
Use in Renal ImpairmentAn alternative Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion (CSCI) delivered opioid for patients who are unable to tolerate morphine or diamorphine, e.g., in cases of renal impairment.
Dosage Equivalence• Subcutaneous (SC) Alfentanil 1mg is equivalent to = SC diamorphine 10mg =
SC morphine 15mg.
Suitability for Breakthrough PainNot suitable for breakthrough pain due to its short-acting nature.


Alfentanil | Drugs | BNF | NICE

Alfentanil | C21H32N6O3 | CID 51263 - PubChem (

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