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Breast Cancer : NICE USC guidance summary

Below is a summarized table for the NICE guidance on referrals for assessing breast cancer.This table provides guidance for healthcare professionals on when to consider urgent or non-urgent referrals for breast cancer based on the patient's age and specific symptoms or findings. The guidance aims to ensure that those presenting with indicators suggestive of potential breast malignancy are quickly identified and assessed through the appropriate diagnostic pathways, enhancing the chances of early detection and timely treatment.

Guidance ItemCriteria for ReferralPatient GroupRecommended ActionSymptoms/Findings
Breast Cancer 1.4.1• Unexplained breast lump with or without pain (aged 30 and over )
• or discharge, retraction, or other nipple changes of concern in one nipple only ( aged 50 and over )
Aged 30 and over (for lump); Aged 50 and over (for nipple symptoms in one nipple only)Suspected cancer pathway referralBreast lump, nipple discharge, nipple retraction, nipple changes
Breast Cancer 1.4.2Skin changes that suggest breast cancer; or unexplained lump in the axilla ( aged 30 and over )
Suspected cancer pathway referralSkin changes suggesting breast cancer, lump in axilla
Breast Cancer 1.4.3Unexplained breast lump with or without painAged under 30Non-urgent referral...

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