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CKD -NICE guidance on management (Summary )

CKD -NICE guidance on management (Summary )

NICE has produced extensive guidance on information and this applies to both primary and secondary care.In the primary care setting along with explanations it may also be helpful to provide written information about CKD , please see section links for helpful patient information resources offer education and information based on stage / severity , cause , complications and the risk of progression NICE recommends developing education programmes and has provided with a list of suggested topics Lifestyle - encourage exercise , healthy weight & smoking cessation NICE does not recommend low protein diet advice to adults with CKD Dietary interventions - consider a referral to dietitian , we have also provided some links which you may find helpful Self management -inform about the diagnosis of CKD , shared decision making , support self management → to be able to make informed choices.

Risk assessment -Risk assessment for renal replacement therapy using a calculator - the calculator advocated by NICE is the 4-variable Kidney Failure Risk Equation As the name indicates this equation uses the 4 variables namely age , sex , urine to albumin creatinine ratio and estimated eGFR in CKD patients to predict the risk of end stage renal...

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