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Diarrhoea & Vomiting in children

Diarrhoea & Vomiting in children

Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE ) is defined as a diarrhoeal disease of rapid onset, with or without nausea, vomiting, fever or abdominal pain ( Hartman et al 2019 )

common problem worldwide & a major cause of paediatric morbidity and mortality

children under < 5 are the most commonly affected

in the US it leads to over 1.5 million office visits, 200,000 hospitalizations & 300 deaths/per year

globally responsible for 70 million deaths/per year ( :globe_with_meridians: major public health concern )

AGE affects 3-5 billion children annually and causes 12 % of deaths :skull: in children < 5 every year

acute GE ( AGE ) in children < 5 leads accounts for 20 % of GP consultations & :arrow_right: 24,000 admission / year

more than 5 million cases of AGE are seen in Canada / per year

seasonal peak in children < 5 is seen between late December and early February while a 2nd peak occurs between February and April

majority of cases are managed in primary care.

AGE can be caused by bacterial, viral and parasitic pathogens

Transmission is faecal - oral :arrow_right: contact with an infected person :arrow_right: ingestion of contaminated food or water :arrow_right: contact with contaminated objects...

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