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Falls in residential care home settings : triage

Falls among older individuals, particularly those residing in care homes, represent a significant concern for healthcare providers, caregivers, and the individuals themselves. Statistics indicate that older people living in care facilities are three times more likely to experience a fall compared to their counterparts living independently. The consequences of these falls tend to be more severe, often leading to prolonged hospital stays, decreased quality of life, and, in some cases, increased mortality.

The heightened risk of falls within these environments can be attributed to a complex interplay of factors. Physical frailty, common among the elderly, markedly increases fall risk, as does the presence of long-term medical conditions that can affect mobility, balance, and overall health. Additionally, physical inactivity, which is more prevalent in care home settings due to various constraints, further exacerbates the risk by weakening muscle strength and balance. Polypharmacy, or the use of multiple medications, is another critical factor; many drugs have side effects such as dizziness or hypotension that directly contribute to the likelihood of a fall. Lastly, the unfamiliarity with new surroundings often faced by residents of care homes can lead to accidents and injuries.

Unexplained FallA fall that has not been witnessed,...

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