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Fever in under 5s : assessment and initial management.
Identify life threatening features Airway Breathing Circulation Decreased level of consciousness Think if this could be SEPSIS
Fever- Oral and rectal routes not recommended by NICE Infants < 4 weeks - use electronic thermometer in axilla 4 weeks to 5 yrs use any â—‹ electronic thermometer in axillaâ—‹ chemical dot thermometer in axillaâ—‹ infra-red tympanic thermometer
Fever control Antipyretics do not prevent febrile convulsions and are not recommended by NICE to be used specifically for this purpose Not recommendedâ—‹ tepid spongingâ—‹ under-dressed or over-wrapped If child distressed consider using Ibuprofen or Paracetamolâ—‹ continue as long as the child is distressedâ—‹ consider changing to another agent if distress is not elevatedâ—‹ Do not give both togetherâ—‹ only consider alternating if the distress persists or recurs before the next dose is due NICE does not recommend using antipyretics with the sole aim of reducing body temp om children with fever
NICE traffic light system - Use NICE traffic light system to identify risk of serious illness Suggest print a copy - available in colour and put on your wall Keep a laminated copy if you locum. In children with learning disabilities - take...
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