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Generalised anxiety disorder

Generalised anxiety disorder

Background of generalised anxiety disorder- GAD is a common disorderprevalence amongst adults in England is thought to be 4.4 %Recent Lancet paper mentions lifetime prevalence of about 5.7 % The central feature is excessive worry about a number of different events associated with heightened tension Often chronic if untreated and associated with substantial disability Can be difficult to diagnose as the key symptom -excessive persistent worry might not be well recognised and not well articulated by the patient ie GAD may be under-recognised GAD - one of a range of disorders that includesâ—‹ Panic disorder ( with or without agoraphobia )â—‹ PTSDâ—‹ OCDâ—‹ Social phobiasâ—‹ Acute stress disorder GAD can exist in isolation but more commonly occurs with other anxiety and depressive disorders

DSM 5 diagnostic criteria -Excessive anxiety and worry ( apprehensive expectation ) , occurring more days than not for atleast 6 months , about a number of events or activities ( such as work or school performance ) The individual finds it difficult to control the worry The anxiety and worry are associated with three ( or more ) of the following six symptoms ( with at-least some symptoms having been present for more days than not...

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