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Herpesvirus infections

Herpesviruses represent a vast family of DNA viruses notorious for their capacity to establish latent infections within specific host tissues. Of the more than 100 recognized herpesviruses, eight are exclusive to humans, with an additional two occasionally crossing species barriers. Collectively, these 10 human-affecting herpesviruses give rise to a diverse array of clinical manifestations, each possessing a unique clinical syndrome. Despite their variances, these herpesviruses share the proclivity to instigate infection and pathology in the central nervous system, contributing to a significant disease burden. Their ubiquity in human populations and complex pathophysiology make them a subject of intense research, especially in the areas of epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, and vaccine development.

There are 8 types of human herpesviruses:

  1. Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV-1)
  2. Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV-2)
  3. Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV/HHV-3)
  4. Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV/HHV-4)
  5. Cytomegalovirus (CMV/HHV-5)
  6. Human Herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6)
  7. Human Herpesvirus 7 (HHV-7)
  8. Kaposi's Sarcoma-associated Herpesvirus (KSHV/HHV-8)

Herpesvirus TypeClinical ManifestationsComplications & SequelaeDiagnostic TestsGroup
HSV-1 (Human herpesvirus 1)Gingivostomatitis, Keratoconjunctivitis, Cutaneous herpes, Genital herpes, Herpes labialis, Viral meningitis, Esophagitis*, Pneumonia*, Disseminated infection*, Hepatitis*†EncephalitisPCR, Serologyα
HSV-2 (Human herpesvirus 2)Genital herpes, Cutaneous herpes, Gingivostomatitis, Neonatal herpes, Viral meningitis, Disseminated infection*, Hepatitis*†Increased HIV transmission...

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