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Hydrocele : Management guide

Hydrocele is a fluid-filled sac surrounding a testicle that causes swelling in the scrotum. It is common in male infants and can occur in adults, often due to an underlying condition.

Hydrocele Management Table

Category Aspect Action Rationale
Congenital Hydrocele Basics Common in male infants, often resolves within the first year. Most congenital hydroceles resolve on their own.
Reassurance Reassure parents that hydrocele likely resolves by 12 months. Provide BAPS and leaflets. Provides reassurance and prevents unnecessary interventions.
Referral Criteria Refer to paediatric surgeon if:
- Not decreasing in size or present after 12 months
- Suspected inguinal hernia or testicular pathology
- Localized to spermatic cord
- Palpable abdominal mass.
Ensures timely intervention and appropriate management for persistent or complicated cases.
Non-Congenital Hydrocele Basics Occurs in adolescents and adults, often due to underlying conditions such as torsion, cancer, infection, or trauma. Identifying and addressing underlying causes is crucial.
Assessment Assess for underlying causes (e.g., torsion, cancer, infection, trauma, varicocele surgery). Ensures prompt diagnosis and management of underlying conditions.
Ultrasound Arrange urgent ultrasound for individuals aged 18-40 or if testis cannot be palpated. Helps differentiate between benign hydrocele and serious conditions such as testicular cancer.
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