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Obstructive sleep apnoea

Obstructive sleep apnoea

Obstructive sleep apnoe ( OSA ) is a sleep related respiratory condition , leading to repeated temporary cessations of breathing because of a narrowing or closure of the upper airways during sleep.Obstructive Sleep Apnoe syndrome ( OSAS ) is OSA + other symptoms most important amongst them is sleepiness.Obstructive sleep apnoea / hypopnoea ( OSAH ) is irregular breathing at night but without daytime sleepiness.

The airway can close completely ( apnoea ) or partially ( hypopnoea ) for 10 seconds or more. Apnoea/Hypopnoea index ( AHI ) is number of apnoeas/hypopnoes per hr of sleep. Susceptibility to pharyngeal collapse during sleep resulting in ongoing inspiratory effort is regarded as most relevant mechanism underlying obstructive apnoeas

OSA is a common chronic disorder - most common sleep related breathing disorder Affects large number of middle age ,overweight people Estimated to affect 1.5 million adults in the UKUp to 85 % of people with OSA are undiagnosed and hence untreatedEstimated prevalence is between 2-14 % Awareness of the condition is low amongst the general population and GPs Men are more likely than women to suffer from OSA

Risk factors- Snoring Intermittently stop breathing when sleeping Male and middle aged Obesity Family h/o...

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