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Orofacial pain

Orofacial pain

Dental-Usually acute presentation Unilateral Located within the mouth but sometimes may be difficult to localise More than 90 % of orofacial pain is dental in origin Usually severe and throbbing in nature Made worse by hot or cold food or drink or by biting on the affected side

Dental caries- common cause which can progress to infection of the pulp , apical abscess or periodontal disease Pulpitis / PulpalReversible- pulp healthy and inflammation is mild â—‹ pain does not linger after a stimulusâ—‹ vague , sharp pain that cannot be located to any particular toothIrreversible- severe and pulp cannot be savedâ—‹ spontaneous severe pain- throbbing or shooting or bothâ—‹ lasts longer even after the stimulus is removedâ—‹ can be localised to a toothâ—‹ often worsened by heat and relieved by cold Peridontal disorders - pathology of structures surrounding the teeth- gum and bone support ( peridontal tissues )Commonest- gingivitis and periodontitis Dentoalveolar abscess - pus in structures that surround the teeth Pericoronitis- related to wisdom teeth Cracked tooth syndrome- tooth has a crack that is too small to show up on X-Rays or is under the gum and challenging to identifyâ—‹ sharp pain on biting, usually worse on release of...

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