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Pancreatic cancer : NICE USC guidance summary

This table based on NICE USC recommendations provides clear guidelines for healthcare professionals on when to consider an urgent referral or diagnostic testing for pancreatic cancer, based on patient age and specific symptoms or findings. The guidance emphasizes the importance of early diagnostic procedures for those presenting with indicators suggestive of potential pancreatic malignancy, aiming to facilitate timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Guidance ItemCriteria for Referral or Diagnostic ActionPatient GroupRecommended ActionTimelineSymptoms/Findings
Pancreatic Cancer 1.2.4Aged 40 and over with jaundiceAged 40 and overSuspected cancer pathway referral-Jaundice
Pancreatic Cancer 1.2.5Aged 60 and over with weight loss and any of the following symptoms: diarrhoea, back pain, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, new-onset diabetesAged 60 and overUrgent, direct access CT scan (or urgent ultrasound if CT not available)Within 2 weeksWeight loss, diarrhoea, back pain, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, new-onset diabetes

Terminology used by NICE

ChildrenFrom birth to 15 years.
Children and young peopleFrom birth to 24 years.
Consistent withThe finding has characteristics that could be caused by many things, including cancer.
Direct accessWhen a test is done and primary care retain clinical...

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