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Peyronie's disease

Peyronie's disease

This table presents the prevalence information, elaborates on the evaluation process, and provides a comprehensive overview of Peyronie's Disease.

Aspect of Peyronie's DiseaseDescription
DefinitionFibromatous disorder of the tunica albuginea of the penile corpus cavernosum.
CharacteristicsPain, plaque formation, penile curvature, and plaque calcification.
Prevalence and ImpactInconsistent epidemiological data; recent reports suggest a prevalence of up to 13.1%. Affects men of all ages, with potential impacts on sexual function and psychosocial well-being.
GeneticsGenetics may play a role, with chromosomal abnormalities and single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with fibrotic diatheses.
PathophysiologyTunical mechanical stress and microvascular trauma contribute to the development of PD.
DiagnosisCombination of clinical history, physical examination, and, if necessary, imaging modalities. Lab testing is generally not required.
EvaluationObtaining a detailed history and performing a thorough physical exam is crucial for diagnosis and treatment planning. Key evaluation points include:
1. Onset and Progression: Determine if the patient is in the acute or chronic phase.
2. Deformity: Assess the direction and degree of curvature, presence of hourglass deformity, hinge effect, or other abnormalities.
3. Erection: Evaluate the degree of rigidity, ability to sustain and maintain an erection, and presence of nocturnal erections.
4. Pain...

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