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Placebo effect

Placebo effect

The placebo effect is a fascinating and complex phenomenon in medical science and psychology, where a patient experiences a perceived improvement in their condition after receiving a treatment that has no therapeutic effect. This effect is typically observed in clinical trials where some participants are given a placebo – an inactive substance or sham treatment – instead of the actual medication or therapy being tested.

Let us review some fundamental terms and concepts related to the placebo effect, which are critical for understanding both the methodology of clinical trials and the broader implications of treatment effects in clinical practice.

TermDefinitionSignificance in Clinical Trials/Practice
Placebo EffectA beneficial health outcome resulting from a person's anticipation that an intervention will help, despite it having no therapeutic effect.Essential for understanding treatment efficacy in clinical trials and the impact of patient perception in clinical practice.
Nocebo EffectAdverse effects or worsening of symptoms not directly caused by a treatment, but due to negative expectations or beliefs about the treatment.Important for recognizing how negative expectations can impact patient outcomes, similar to the placebo effect but with negative results.
Positive Placebo ResponseImprovement in a patient's condition attributable to the psychological impact...

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