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Progestogen only pill ( POP ) initial consultation

This comprehensive table gives a clear and detailed overview of the initial POP consultation process and factors to consider as recommended by FSRH.


Pre-POP Start Checklist
Please also refer to our table on POP eligibility
Medical EligibilityIndividual's health status and any conditions that might affect or contraindicate POP usage.Comprehensive assessment of medical conditions and drug history.
Drugs/Herbal RemediesMedications or herbal remedies that might interact with the POP.A detailed drug history should be obtained to identify any potential interactions.
AllergiesPotential reactions to POP contents.Be aware of specific allergies like soy which some DSG POP preparations might contain.
Risk of PregnancyEvaluate if there's any current risk of pregnancy.If suspected, opt for emergency contraception, and consider further contraceptive precautions.
Essential InformationBasic knowledge about POP.Inform about its effectiveness, proper usage, side effects, and alternatives, missed pills, interactions / herbal remedies, potential bleeding patterns, other potential SEs & alternative methods including LARC
STI RiskRisk of contracting sexually transmitted infections.Conduct an STI risk assessment and provide necessary advice.
Cervical ScreeningCurrent cervical screening status.Ensure up-to-date cervical screening.
InvestigationsNecessity of clinical or laboratory investigations prior to starting POP.For traditional...

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