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Varicose veins : NICE guidance

This table provides concise guidance for primary care clinicians when they deal with patients suffering from varicose veins, covering information, treatment discussions, referrals, assessments, and management during pregnancy- based on guidance by NICE.

Information for People with Varicose Veins- Explanation of varicose veins.
- Possible causes.
- Likelihood of progression and complications (deep vein thrombosis, skin changes, leg ulcers, bleeding, thrombophlebitis).
- Treatment options.
- Advice on weight management, physical activity, symptom triggers, and seeking medical help.
Discussing Treatment at Vascular Service- Available treatment options.
- Benefits and risks of each option.
- Potential for new varicose veins post-treatment.
- Possibility of requiring multiple sessions. - Higher recurrence risk for recurrent varicose veins.
Referral to Vascular Service- Immediate referral for bleeding varicose veins.
- Referral for symptomatic primary or recurrent varicose veins.
- Referral for lower limb skin changes such as pigmentation or eczema,thought to be due to chronic venous insufficiency
- superficial vein thrombosis
- venous leg ulcer (a break in the skin below the knee that has not healed within 2 weeks )
- or healed venous leg ulcer.
Assessment- Use of duplex ultrasound for diagnosis and treatment planning in suspected primary or...

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