Mr. Chaudhri qualified and served as a doctor in the Armed Forces Medical Corps
(Indian Navy) and moved to the United Kingdom in 1999. He has been on traveling
fellowships to Mt Sinai Hospital in Toronto (Inflammatory Bowel Disease Centre),
Monaldi Hospital in Naples (Laparoscopic Surgery), and Karolinska Hospital in
Stockholm (Locally advanced Rectal Cancer).
Mr. Chaudhri has been a mentor on the Low Rectal Cancer Training program in
England and also the hospital Surgical Tutor for the Royal College of Surgeons of
England between 2013 and 2020. He regularly hosts International Fellows on behalf of
the European Society of Coloproctology and the European Surgical Society of
Oncology. Mr. Chaudhri enjoys his role as a surgical trainer and has supported peer-to-peer surgical training in colorectal surgery including abdominal wall reconstruction and laser proctology.
Mr. Chaudhri is passionate about minimally invasive surgery and offers laparoscopic
(keyhole) and robotic surgery for colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, and diverticular disease. These techniques are associated with better cosmetic results,
less postoperative pain, and quicker patient recovery. Other surgical interests include the treatment of large complex abdominal hernias, newer operations for haemorrhoids, anal fistulas, and fissures.